Pictured above is the Broken Strings LP, a little known treasure which came out in early 2008 and which I've only recently acquired. (I'm the last of the three Nodzzz to get a copy, and subsequently be obsessed with it). Adam Croce is the one man behind Broken Strings and was a Bay Area resident before he relocated to Olympia, Washington. There he's doing similar music projects and possibly milling around with a boom box. (He was the last time I was there.) Anyway, this LP (recorded sometime in 2006) and the trove of other unreleased stuff by Adam is deep pop of the highest caliber. Dynamic, strange and just stunning Summer-spent-in-the-bedroom type of songwriting. Unfortunately, I don't know the current status of the LP. It was released on
True Panther Sounds in a limited edition of 300. But it should (and hopefully will) proliferate in numbers a hundred times that. Similar bands have let loose a song/band aesthetic which sings through a fog of Californian sprawl, boredom and surf-myth, but I don't think any of them have laid it out as beautifully as Adam has with
Broken Strings. Download the free "Eyes of the World" single
here, along with the rest of the LP for the chump change cost of 7.99.
Agreed, it is a GREAT record, and really deserves a lot more exposure than it's had so far! Supposedly there's a CD-R of an even newer Broken Strings album floating around...
I just bought this, it's so fucking good. I can't wait to play this real loud during the summer.
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